Thursday, February 21, 2019

Where the Spotlight Shines

Have you ever wondered
Why the circus has shut down?
Political redundancy
One reason to be found

The Barker lifts his magic wand
And the spotlight shines anew
But with one ring now in focus
What became of the other two?

In the spotlight shines the signs
Of humanitarian aide
But in the darker rings of power
Other plans are being made

Now he’s directing your attention to the ring on the Left
The “Green Machine” has come along
To tell you what works best
And tax you for your every move
Including your last breath

They want us poor and destitute
To have us beg for scraps
Due to government dependency
You’ll be swimming your last lap.

Now the Barker points the spotlight
To the ring on the Right
Those who took the rutted path
Of supporting genocide

But now the mood is changing
As the spotlight moves around
To return its shiny brilliance
And illuminate the crowd

Now everyone can see the hole
Dug deep down in the center ring
Bodies falling in from both sides
And the horror that it brings

“Just some technical irregularities”
The Ringmaster replies
But even he can’t escape the heat
Of where the spotlight shines


Vermont said...

Free? Dang! I just figured out a possible theory why the Gbus deleted Google+. So's we can't delete our comments from the commenting platform! Whatever is out there you can't take it back kind of thing, now in the nasty d.u.m.b.s. bowls of the nasty little cowards.
-Pandora aka Adaline aka too many browsers test the web page coding, former job candidate

freefall said...

The machine gods have no tolerance for heretics. Keep them guessing, Vermont(?) You do the same for me.

Vermont said...

Hang tough, you and yours, free! Keep writing - when you can - please!