Monday, February 4, 2019

Something to Believe In

One of the biggest problems associated with waking up is understanding that, not only could the systems you once believed in care less about you, they would just as soon see you dead.

About the only thing that the human cattle are worth to the Controllers is their assets. If they can create diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer due to the toxins in our environment, from their vaccinations to having radiation seeping into our water supply, they can bleed their victims dry by propping them up for a little while longer due to their progressive disease. If they were to ever really find a cure for any of these diseases, the entire healthcare system would collapse.

Flying the “not so friendly skies” has become a nightmare for anyone but those who have now fully “embraced their servitude.” Climbing aboard the next false flag may be long odds for the passenger, but this conditioning program in a closed environment where we have lost all constitutional protections helps make our minds more malleable to the camps coming our way.

Chipping has already begun and, after the financial reset, it will be mandated. No more need to carry around all your credit cards and identification. All that is required is a reader, and the system will take care of that for you.

The criminal justice system has been taken over by the most sophisticated of criminals. The “king’s men” continue to reveal who they really serve, which is the devil himself. This is what you get when you blindly support genocidal killers under orders.

Hillary, Obama, Trump, Bush—it makes no difference. They will serve them well just as they always have. Hopefully, there are more exceptions than I realize who have the good sense to know how they are being used.

Who could survive their training, as this form of traumatic mind-control has been perfected over the years? That’s the real war; the war for the mind. And in this war, the order-follower is losing badly.

So, the Seeker finds himself in a hostile world. He is thwarted at every turn, including when asking intelligent questions that the tools of the system cannot or refuse to answer.

Standing against the servants of the system can be a lonely job, and likely as not to result in more isolation from the community. This is why many of the awakened become hermits.

We have trouble trusting people as we can begin to see through their lies simply by observing their body language. Much of these lies are the result of omissions; information withheld that you need to know in order to make an intelligent decision.

But the biggest lie is told by the system’s servants themselves in believing that what they are doing is causing less harm than good. And that’s what makes it worse.

Anyway, if you find yourself to be a little paranoid and distrusting of others, if you wonder what their angle may be, if you think they have been educated to sell you the products that are killing you, then you are not alone. I too find myself in this sort of limbo, not really being part of either world.

The answer is to let go. We have no control and never really did. That doesn’t mean that we don’t use our understanding to protect ourselves from harm. It does mean that we still think we have anything of real value that needs our protection.


Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

The bobbleheads would rather pick up their paychecks at the door than actually do anything of real sickening. That sick jar of Cheatos is gonna be making me sick in two minutes...state of cognitive dissonance on tap...

Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

OMG please tell me this is not happening. IT is trying to make the poppet, oh, I mean President, declare...a...national...I can't say the words. Where is Chautauqua, Free? I hope he is ok. And you? How are you. Never mind. Good god. A Covert War sneaking up on the people and for what seems like eons...Blip!

Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

Sorry Free, I'm up a tree's that damned loud TV worship circus wheel again in the next town.

Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

still can't figure out how to do the dang labels in this blogspot thing