Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Running with the Palestinians


Have you figured it out yet, America?  You are currently under direct attack by your own government.  Obviously, we have reached the "shock and awe" portion of the program. 

While America weeps over the carnage of the Southeast, the next weather bomb is headed in its direction from the Gulf.  

But that's no reason for other areas to feel safe.  Acapulco has become a weather bomb mecca for the Khazarian mafia.  The behavior of both Otis and John were uncharacteristic from other hurricanes with little to no early warnings that they were even approaching.

Once this gets bad enough, really nasty diseases are going to be cropping up due to lack of sanitation and hygiene.  I'm sure they'll come up with a vaccine that will be helpful.

Each manufactured calamity justifies military intervention and all that accompanies it.  But don't bring your own people any help until the masses have died or are too tired to fight back. 

Of course, they're making the politicians on the Right look like they're doing something after the body count has already piled up.  After all, it's an election year. 

We are all susceptible to their evil schemes.  What good are all your preps when they are floating down the river with your house?

Get ready for misery that will be suffered by the entire country after the (s)election results.  

And then get ready for misery suffered by the entire world after dollar collapse.  Unless climate destruction or nuclear Armageddon beats it to the punch.  

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