Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Sorcerer of Self Destruction


Fireworks lighting up the darkness

Not much damage being done

Justify retaliation

False flags not killing anyone

Move the US Embassy to Jerusalem

Set it up to take the fall

Bomb Iran by way of Syria

Act of war is what you've caused

Women's basketball phenomenon

Shots that drop from everywhere

She'll make much more than league payments

By advertising corporate wares

Gun procurer on the movie

Epic fail to do your job

Was she hired just for her gender

Lives and skill-sets being robbed

Shooting drugs on the street corner

Strolling down the Walk of Fame

End-time rapidly approaching

All the heroes bringing shame

Hand-held prostitute payola

He should have kept her on the screen

Try envisioning the horror

Of this "Clockwork Orange" theme

Enemies are fast approaching

Most unsure of who they are

Could it be that massive section

Who took their blind beliefs too far

All the pain laced with distraction

Pushing pleasure on the side

Running out of satisfaction

Nowhere left here to reside

Sorcerer of self destruction

Comes to kill the part that cares

Carry on with preparations

Give yourself a chance to share

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