Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Criminally Insane


Kill as many as you can

As your life goes down the drain

You are no longer human

You're the criminally insane

Started out by pushing poison

Then surrounded by the dead

You gaslit your own patients

Giving pain pills for their heads

You shot up your own children

An evil beyond compare

Now you want to finish

What you started on a dare

You couldn't lose your phony friends

But lost them anyway

Now your health plays whack-a-mole

As your immune system gives way

The brewing batch of booster shedders

A danger to blood that's clean

It's past time for us to call it

A disease of the vaccine

If you have a vaccine passport 

Then you better keep away

I have no wish to die 

With someone else's DNA

You belong in an asylum

Get your meds from a locked case

Move your tongue from what it's hiding

As they track you by your face

Push your tests and masks and needles

Sing it over in refrain

Not an ounce of doubt about it

You're the criminally insane

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