Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Space Between

"It is the space between the notes that makes the music. Without the emptiness, that silence in between, there is no music, only a noise."  

--Wayne Dyer

Here's an exercise to help you stay in the moment:

1. When you walk, be aware of the space between your footsteps.

2. When you eat, be aware of the space between your bites.

3. When you meditate, be aware of the space between your thoughts.

4. When you breathe, be aware of the space between your breaths.

5. When you get rained on, be aware of the space between the falling       raindrops.

You get the idea.  The solution to all of our problems awaits in the silence of the moment. 

Dave Matthews Band - The Space Between(Live at the Olympics) - YouTube

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