Sunday, March 20, 2022


Without name, form, or image

Without conquest or submission

Strength or weakness

Intelligence or ignorance

Level of education

Physical prowess


Worldly success

Social status








Truth shines through it all

Its essence cannot be found externally

It is an utterly intrinsic experience


It is what makes you recoil at being poisoned by lies

Or the next troglodyte they trot out and call a hero

Let the fools bow down to their tarnished idols


I serve what I cannot see

I am given understanding by what I cannot hear

And wisdom that I cannot speak


I feel a visceral response to what I cannot touch

A flavor to what I cannot taste

An odor to what I cannot smell


I feel a strength inside physical weakness

And a knowing inside a cascade of emotions


I seek a silence that I cannot share

To free me from a sadness that I cannot understand

Being separated from a home that I do not remember


I seek the Truth

Let the world do what it will