Saturday, October 23, 2021

Carry On


“Rejoice, Rejoice

  We have no choice

  But to carry on”

Do you hear our ancestors laughing?  We are now being threatened with living the way they did before technology took over our lives. 

How dare they force us to live as a community being interdependent upon each other!  How dare they force us to grow our own food, provide our own security, our own leadership, our own health care while taking from the earth what we need to survive.  How dare we go back to what we were meant to be!

How can we live without our electronic devices?  What sustenance will be provided for us when the grocery stores are closed? How will we find shelter when the dollar becomes worthless?

The withdrawal symptoms we will feel when all this happens will be like a junkie going “cold turkey.”  There is no easy way for the toxins to be removed from mind and body.

But an opportunity to live as an authentic human being awaits on the other side! 

If we can only get these governments and their brainwashed functionaries to stop trying to kill and enslave us while simultaneously destroying the planet, I like our chances.

I feel strongly that those who came before are pulling for us to create a better world.  And I have no intention of letting them down. 


“Carry on

  Love is coming

  Love is coming

  To us all”

Carry On - YouTube




1 comment:

Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

U.S. court freezes Biden's vaccine rule for companies