Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Seeds Choked Out by Weeds

For those of us who have made the request and commitment to face the truth no matter what, it’s important to have at least a general idea of what to expect in the very near future.  No matter whether we see it coming or not, it’s going to be surreal when it arrives.  But we won’t be the ones jumping off buildings or having that “deer in the headlights” look trying to come to terms with the fact that they have just lost everything that they held in value. 

In the first wave of our approaching doom, it’s not the manufactured polarization of the public due to political or religious differences that will be the biggest threat to our survival.  It will be the prepared vs. the unprepared. 

As I’ve written from the beginning of this Plandemic, they will get us to exchange our liberties for necessities.  Long-term food and water storage is essential to not being forced to move with the violent and desperate masses, especially early on as they pick the bones clean from the businesses in this collapsing society.  Moving in your own time instead of theirs is essential to not becoming another statistic. 

My preparation helps me sleep better at night.  I would have much more stress and anxiety in my life had I not put my resources into this endeavor.  It’s one thing to see what’s coming.  It’s another to do something about it before it arrives.  Most remain seeds choked out by weeds. 

There are no guarantees, but I know that I have done what I could.  The alternative is to become a beggar or a looter--and I don’t want to go out that way. 

I think we are now in the eye of the storm, and I feel strongly that they are going to manufacture another crisis very soon.  Lifting the moratorium on paying back the bankers for their real estate loans will result in millions being thrown out into the street.  It’s happening in some areas already.

At some point, the property buyer (not owner when they still owe the banks) and renter will be given a choice of universal basic income.  But the terms will be total and complete obedience to the system.

Don’t want to take your tenth booster shot after increasingly having problems with the other nine?  Take the shot or you will not receive your next UBI payment.

Don’t want to give up your guns?  What about in exchange for food?

Everybody is coming out thinking that the virus has run its course and everything is just fine.  If we are indeed done with it (and I hope that we are), get ready for their next big thing to put our lives in even more turmoil, especially with their proposed solutions that are ready to be unleashed.

Personally, I’m going to get out into nature as much as possible with the time left as I figure that the forests out here will soon be on fire once again. 

Adaptability to change is needed by the day.  At some point, it could be needed by the hour.  Or the minute.  Or the moment.  

During these times, it is best to face the “good” and the “bad” things going on around us with some equanimity.  Otherwise, one is left riding the emotional roller coaster of their minds with the propagandists at the controls.

As we continue to await the approach of “Hologram Jesus and the Space Aliens,” the only real savior resides in a little pine cone located in the center of our minds. 




Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

Beautiful prose, you.

Sometimes it seems like everyone is a sheep, but there is about 37% of people resistant to the vaccinations. (According to the MSM.) There are people fighting back, including those in the medical industry. There is a Nurse who was fired from her job to avoid mandatory jab - and two other job offers have come in for the very reason that she is a freedom of vaccine choice advocate.

True that, 'they' want total control. But there are people that are prepared.

freefall said...

What a whacky world we live in. Now I have more in common with "Trump chumps" as at least many of them won't take the shot and are prepared for a societal breakdown. Now if we can just get them to stop worshipping clowns.

Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

Does Human 'Civilization' Deserve to Survive?

Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

Maybe we won't have much choice anyway, as we are at the 12,000 year.
12,000 Year Cycle

Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

There Has Never Been An Opportunity Like This | David Icke 2021