Thursday, February 11, 2021

Play the Game


I don’t know about the election but it looks to me like the Superbowl was rigged.  Now that they have legalized sports betting in virtually every form, these ball games are starting to look like the propped-up stock market.

I won’t go into the details for anybody who wasted time watching the spectacle but the game was pretty much over by halftime.  The bullshit calls had already broken Kansas City’s spirit.  But timely pass interference or holding calls could be made during key times throughout the ballgame if it became necessary.  Give Brady more than one chance in the red zone and it’s pretty much a touchdown.  If not, you can always call “off-sides” so he can try again.    

The fix was in.  It was an embarrassment to watch. 

Of course, they have perfected their craft since the Black Sox scandal.  There are too many risks associated with paying off the players.  The players make millions these days anyway, so mostly all that remains is blackmail.    

Better to buy off the officials.  You don’t even have to own all of them.  Sort of like Congress.  

The half-time show featured anonymous zombies with bandages over their faces, a sort of “Thomas Crown Affair” rip-off except there never was anyone real under their disguise for this show.  Makes me wonder if those who have talent even wanted to be there.  There’s probably enough dirt on Miley Cyrus and Billy Idol to get them to sing “I Sold My Soul to the Company Store” if that’s what they were told for their pre-game performance.  Neither have much talent for such success.

Back to the game, the camera would pan out showing a stadium filled with fans.   But they appeared rather docile until the close-ups revealed a few moving parts surrounded by cardboard cutouts of the next batch of heroes. 

The second half was mostly watching Kansas City being decimated, including their beleaguered quarterback whose feet of clay landed back on Earth with a hard snap.    

My guess is that there will be a big push to change their team name next season.  It was okay when they were winning Superbowls, but nobody wants to hear about a Chief taking a beating.

The post-Stupor Bowl celebrations are just another surreal dystopian societal event like watching a perpetual reality TV horror show using storylines we’ve never even heard of before.  It reminded me of the halftime show.      

It will be interesting to see if this Superbowl is yet another super-spreader event.  Next season, the fans may have to stay in a bubble with the players.  Maybe all of those recently vaccinated healthcare workers that were at the game will start the “herd immunity” healing?

And what is the efficacy of all these fucking vaccines anyway?  If they work so great, why do the vaccinated have to wear masks and social distance just like the rest?  What’s the benefit of putting something in your body that changes nothing for your preventative pandemic lifestyle?

But there is a benefit for the pharmaceutical companies and the politicians they have in their pockets.  There is also a benefit for those currently administering their mass depopulation agenda. 

What also changes are that travel restrictions will continue to be placed upon the unvaccinated which will gradually end with no longer being allowed to frequent essential businesses without electronic vaccine certification. 

Right now, businesses are encouraging their employees with paper promises to take their vaccination that reminds of the gun turn-ins of the past.  But as this incompetent government and accompanying media eventually gets their control-grid measures under control, what was once a choice will become the next cancel culture event.  The unvaccinated will be viewed as pariahs.  This makes little difference for my kind but most won’t like it as they need the reinforcement of the world to maintain their ability to lie to themselves.  Either way, it’s all falling apart for them now.  

Now that the football season is over, it’s good to have the year-round sport of politics to entertain us.  One person’s “Baby Face” is another’s “Heel” but the players feed off the response from the audience. 

The Trump impeachment trial looks to be a side-show that will gloss over the movement of our troops surrounding us starting with sticking needles in our arms.  The “carrot-on-a-stick” stimulus check that never arrives for those financially ruined will continue to be blamed on one side or the other. 

Look for the noose to tighten in 2021 as “Biden his time” will do as he’s told as always and more restrictions will be placed upon those unwilling to play their games.  Biden will show his true colors with more banker bailouts as well as genuflecting before Israel in his own special way, just as Trump’s Jerusalem headquarters dictate and Obama’s invasion of Libya have done in the past. 

It looks to be a rough ride from here on out.  And some areas will get hit harder than others as destroying California is obviously high on their priority list.  Many are evacuating the area now but there isn’t really anywhere to go. 

If so inclined, best to leave the country sooner rather than later as Americans will be despised by the rest of the world after the hyperinflation conflagration turns what was once the world reserve currency into ashes. 

Unfortunately for America, the light at the end of the tunnel could very well be the entrance into the arena.     



Saturday, February 6, 2021

Soul Survivor

The riders are taking over the roller-coaster

While pitching pennies down a Wishing Well

Although the chips are still not of their making

They’ll hide beneath their skin so none can tell


What’s that noise I heard just around the corner

Winds through my walls sound just like big sea shells

If we all flew private planes to our rebellions

Then our brand name would be really shot to hell


When you sleep on the cold stones of Law and Order

With your Veterans now invaders of your home

As you turn your head and cough on the next soldier

You may wonder why you still feel so alone


Watch the people all go out for vaccinations

I shake my head and contemplate their brainwashed spell

Sprinkle talcum-powder in with your asbestos

Then come tell me just one shot will keep me well


I think about those abusing Mother Nature

I think about what technology they control

Can rain be ordered like the morning paper

What would RNA-altered mutants even know


Moving Right or Left they all go round in circles

Like a dance they use each other in their games

A war-monger who brings home so many soldiers

Why did not the “Black Messiah” do the same


Some say the Earth will end when struck by Nibiru

Some say Pluto should be a planet too

Some say Martians nuked a world that once had flourished

Then why go there when it’s now here for me and you


What we see should not be all that much surprising

As other planets have come and gone in vain

But you’ll only know that you’re a Soul Survivor

When there’s no one left alive for you to blame