Sunday, November 1, 2020

House of Mirrors

“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.”
Charles MacKay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

I’m about to write something that makes everything else I’ve written before look like the rantings of a fool:  I can’t say for sure that the coronavirus even exists. 

There, I’ve said it.  After over 8 months, I still don’t know much of anything about this possible potential killer.  I don’t know all of the effects to the mind and body.  I don’t know if masks even work in the long-term but just end up making us susceptible to other diseases due to weakening our immune systems.  I have yet to know anyone personally who has had the virus.  

This doesn’t mean that I don’t believe it exists.  It does mean that it is a belief and not a verifiable fact for me.  Of course, I would be fine with not ever knowing for sure if or when this thing makes its exit.  At this stage, what is really just around the corner could very well be a cliff.   

I don’t know if world leaders are working in collusion to cull those from their own countries while scaring us with stories of upcoming wars abroad.  I don’t know how to keep a world from heading towards destruction.  I don’t even know how to get out of its way.

Since I don’t know anyone who sees things exactly the same way that I do, I don’t know who to trust.  This is why so many of us do not often come together.  We’ve lost sight of our priorities.  Don’t worry; we will be forced to find them again if we wish to survive.  At all stages of our so-called awakening, we must get past our petty differences and focus on the common enemy.  The problem lies with how deeply the alternative community has been infiltrated by the other side.  Something else that I don’t know.    

In any case, there are other things that I do know.  And just like the things that I don’t know, I cannot prove all of them.  I don’t care if I can prove them or not.  I just know.    

I know that there is a God.  I know this due to my own life experiences and the timely lessons I have received as well as the suffering I have endured for not taking them to heart.  So the lesson was presented again…and again…and again.  Is it not the same for you, dear reader?

I know that the nature of the god I was force-fed as a child is not the true nature of God.  Otherwise, I would probably be voting for our current president who appears to reflect many of OT Demon’s personal qualities. 

I also know that all forms of government eventually collapse due to their own corruption.  Those who thirst for power over others always end up crawling to the top of the trash heap.  This is a fact that history has now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.  Call it by any name you like, in the end, government always leads to slavery.

I know that we can never heal as a country unless we are willing to see where we went wrong.  If you don’t know what that is by now, keep watching the show.  It’s the same thing that we brought to so many elsewhere for no good reason.  Blitzkrieg.  Shock and Awe.  You get the idea.  Then again, hypervigilance can make contemplation rather difficult.

We are born into a veritable “House of Mirrors” where our most essential guides unknowingly lie to us because they believed the lies told to them.   But our leaders know very well that they are lying.  They take their strength from their constant exploitation of these children of lost souls.   

Now go out and vote for them.  



Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

Questioning the veracity of COVID 19 is perfectly sane. It is highly likely that it's true that it was created in a lab to use as a bioweapon against their own citizens. Johns Hopkins? Suspicious bedfellows of the Event 201 crowd.
Bill Gates/Anthony Fauci sinister poster boys for this sinister disease. The main stream media has been hammering on it for months. It's front and center. It's government's excuse to take more liberties away, destroy more privacy, 'contact tracing', deadly vaccinations that employ nano-technology (more tracking) and We can't trust the medical profession as they are controlled by big business interests. Yes wearing a mask can have dentrimental effects but that doesn't stop me from wearing them when out if it protects me and mine, and others. I do know personally people who have either suspected they had it, and one young man who was diagnosed and went to the hospital spitting up blood. My partner had it and is still suffering from what we dreadfully believe is lung damage. He had been working in a furniture factory and the owner of the plant had traveled on business to China, coming back through Italy last Feb/March. He walked through the plant to say hi to everyone when he got back, knowing full well he was about to go into quarantine. (Jerk.) We can't trust anything we hear. Just what we can of our own experiences. I've heard of people getting those nasal tests and getting pierced so bad that brain fluid leaks out (surgery is needed to fix that.) I have also heard some of those tests have been tampered with to infect people with the virus. Don't know what to believe. Destroying the economy affects the poorest. The virus was also most deadly to the oldest. Sounds like a calculated culling before the grip of the Reset and one world power grab.

freefall said...

I believe you. It's a diabolical weapon. It's first trick is to make you doubt its existence.

Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

Anthony Fauci Appears To Get Vaccinated On Live Television In His Left Arm But Then Points To His Right Arm As Injection Site Afterward

Watch As Phony Fauci Forgets Which Arm He Pretended To Get Vaccinated In