Friday, October 2, 2020

Silhouette Shapes

At this point, they can do pretty much what they want with us.

Now Trump has the virus…maybe.   Let’s say that he does.  If he remains asymptomatic, this will encourage his worshippers to do away with masks completely.  If he gets sick and dies, will he end up at the same place as his good buddy, Jeffrey Epstein?

One thing is for sure:  No one can replace Trump as strongman, at least not our current crop of politicians.  No one can get away with his incessant litany of lies like Trump—no one.  His supporters have shown that they will jump off a cliff for him, whether it be through failure to protect themselves against the bioweapon or supporting the cannon fodder for the next war of aggression.

The problem with celebrity tyrants is that, at some point, they may become a danger to their owners.  Somewhere down the line, his Zio-scum handlers may want him out of the picture.  He could always be replaced by a general.  Whatever form fills the costume is secondary.

So much is now being revealed about him from his lies regarding the severity of the virus and mode of transmission as well as his “empty husk” financial status.  At this point, it’s not difficult to track what country really owns him,

As it all plays out, some things may be seen as “good” at first but may not go that way in the end.  All of this is an ongoing process and none can say for sure what is reality and what is not.  It often comes down to what the enemy can control and we may not be shown the level of technology they possess until it is used on us. 

But as usual, I appreciate the irony.  A new narrative for a captive audience. 





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