In America today, freedom means not being ashamed of anything you’ve ever done, especially when it’s committed under color of law.
The truth is that the only freedom that America seeks is freedom from their conscience. That’s why they continue to elect psychopaths to “wash away their sins.” And the one in there now is by far the worst yet. Racism, supremacy baked into religion and culture, military encroachment both at home and abroad, sexual deviance, lying, cheating, stealing…all transgressions dissipate in the dark winds of a narcissist’s lies.
Psychopathic leaders make all aberrant behavior kosher. And yet this vile system could never be sustained unless the masses believed that someone else had a legitimate right to run their lives. But what should we expect from those that would allow their neighbor to be robbed under the threat of force (taxation) to pay for their kid’s education? I wonder if they even realize that their tax-dollars have been spent to set up the technological control-grid now being used to enslave them?
And now the institutions they so fervently supported are collapsing all around them. Not to prepare physically, mentally and spiritually for the worst yet to come will result in mass panic somewhere down the line. And no one behaves rationally in that state of mind.
We are approaching the time in which the populace will finally realize the reason for our 2nd Amendment. I’ve made my attempt to persuade my in-laws living in Portland to bug-out to their cabin during the election. When your life is in the hands of the whims of the mob, if you don’t have the means to defend yourself, it may be best to get out of the cities while you still can. If the election results don’t increase your risk, vaccination resistance and monetary collapse will.
In some ways, I’m thankful for having the opportunity to see all of this coming. The disasters surrounding us will continue making their appearances out of apparent thin air. But the actions taken by our government in response is textbook tyranny.
If you need something to complete your preparations, get it now before the election results. Once the pit of hell opens, the chasm will just get wider with time.