Monday, April 20, 2020

Learning to Fly

“What the government is, if it be not a tyranny, which the men of our choice have conferred on our President, and the President of our choice has assented to, & accepted over the friendly strangers, to whom the mild spirit of our country, & it’s laws had pledged hospitality & protection: that the men of our choice have more respected the bare suspicions of the President, than the solid rights of innocence, the claims of justification, the sacred force of truth, & the forms and substance of law & justice: in questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution.”
—Thomas Jefferson, 1798.

Our Founders here in America certainly had their blatant blind-spots, but understanding the nature of tyranny was not one of them. And by the way, isn’t it wonderful supporting the slave-labor market yourself due to your rampant consumerism of products made by some of the most oppressed people on earth? And what about the prison labor camps here? “Cuomo’s Convicts Corona-Killer Hand Sanitizer” comes to mind. Buy American.

As usual, we should start by looking in the mirror. It appears that we’ve merely found more sophisticated ways of lying to ourselves. And let’s not even get into the continuing genocide of others; that’s the one constant about America that never changes, and it looks like it will remain that way until the bitter end.

Whatever their transgressions, our Founders left us with the Constitution including our Bill of Rights with even moderate adherence to this document resulting in the freest people on earth.

But the truth is that Americans were never really more than house slaves. As long as most had much of what they wanted (or could by hard work or cheating others achieve it), they were okay with perpetual government intrusions that have whittled away the original meaning of this document down to nothing. When you need government to define for you your own inalienable rights, the show is pretty much over.

Somewhere down the line, we lost sight of why the document was written, falling for their “endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary” while never understanding that protection from our true common enemy was why the document was written.

The Constitution wasn’t written to protect us from terrorists. It was meant to protect us from our own government. And the current bio-weapon collaboration is far from the first time they have betrayed us.

In my lifetime, we have allowed them to get away with such things as Operation Northwoods document, the deep-state assassination of JFK, the Gulf of Tonkin hoax, the 9/11 false flag and multiple Middle East invasions, none of which were attacked for the reasons given.

Had “We the People” awakened en masse and demanded justice regarding any one of these previous events, we would not be where we are today. None would betray us if we had left the previous traitors swinging at the end of a rope. Trump would have remained an obscure and crude joke instead of the current exacerbator of our misery.

In other words, the vast majority of the American people are a bunch of spineless sell-outs who allowed their presidents to literally destroy the constitutional restraints placed upon their power. And they have yet to feel the full force of what they have unleashed upon themselves because of it.

When it comes to the virus, America is screwed. We’ve not yet reached the peak of what this weapon is capable of doing, including when its after-effects are mixed with something else down the line. Also, they’re obviously messing with genetics as people of color are dying at a much more rapid pace than the rest.

But if the economy remains closed for much longer, the entire thing will collapse. The problem is that, while the enemy has detailed plans for the future that they are implementing now, we have no plan nor do most even know their common enemy.

At the end of all this, the choice will be for us to go hungry or to fight back. But the U.S. government’s definition of a terrorist is someone who fights back.

Do you not see the perfection of it all? The sadness of watching the destruction could turn to joy if we were ready to run our own lives. Sadly, our last two presidents and especially the current one has shown that their supporters will follow them all the way down to the ground. And that is exactly where he is taking them.

Freedom is not riding the “Tilt-a-Whirl” during a pandemic. Freedom is walking away from anything calling itself government and running our own lives on a community level.

It’s either that or our government is going to end up forcing us to barter our freedom for the goods in their stolen supply-chain.

Jefferson was right in the first place. Government is tyranny.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


“And the meek will inherit the earth.”

What the hell does that mean anyway? It means that you should be crawling on your bellies before your master while begging forgiveness for your worthless life. It’s certainly what I’m doing at this time.

Anyone with a functioning brain should be coming to terms with their own mortality. Only the godless think that this is going to get better anytime soon. It’s going to get much worse.

Currently, the way I see it is that the virus (being used as both a bioweapon and a hoax to inflate the numbers) is merely the first domino.

What comes afterward will claim many more lives. And none will kill more than that which calls itself government.

We are reaching the point where the American sheeple will be hitting both the peak of the virus and the peak of panic. This is when they will be most susceptible to outside influence.

Let’s compare it to our foreign policy and maybe it will become clearer. Our government bombs another country to cause its systems to collapse leaving the people living under severely dangerous and chaotic conditions.

Once the country has been knocked flat on its back, it’s time for the troops to come marching in. Because the people had been living under a tyrant anyway that has now been deposed by the “conquering heroes” before them, they thank their saviors and forget about the dead bodies blown to bits by their bombs.

But soon the people discover that something has gone horribly wrong. Even their previous tyrant did not bring soldiers door-to-door with such frightening regularity. They find themselves starving, disarmed and marched to the camps where the worst of it begins and ends.

Now this foreign policy has gone global. The bombs are (threat of) the virus. And governments of the people in their own countries are now primarily responsible for culling their own. It is the ultimate human sacrifice for the lord of this world and the end result of dying empires filled with cosmic cowards.

This is the time for those who have been humbled by their inner revelations to become defiant towards the demons in the outer one. True heroes originate from those already knowing that they are dead anyway.

I would like to say that we will prevail while still in our bodies. But as I’ve said before, karma will not be denied. But I feel at peace in knowing that only my body is subject to what approaches. May those like me remain true to the end.

This is your real future, America. “Choose whom you will serve.”

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Big Daddy

I’m glad Big Daddy is here to take care of us now in our time of need. He recently signed-off on the biggest welfare state hand-out in American history. Big Daddy is now bringing in many more into his fold of dependency.

Big Daddy is there for the corporations. But too bad that the small business loans have dried up after a week. Give us more loans Big Daddy, so we can all wear the chains of debt slavery!

But I’m not so sure that the illegal immigrants numbering in the millions in the Sanctuary cities will be as happy when their legal job competitors get paid for being in lockdown and they don’t (if the checks even come at all).

It looks to me like Big Daddy is up to his old tricks. Fear of starvation will eventually trump fear of the virus. If I didn’t know better, I would say that Big Daddy is trying to create riots. Feed them all Big Daddy, so they don’t rob me!

Big Daddy seems to think that all the truck drivers getting products needed by everyone don’t need to eat anything on their road-trips. Their big trucks won’t make it past the drive through windows. Take off the roof Big Daddy, so the trucks can fit at the drive through and we all don’t starve with them!

Big Daddy seems to think that healthcare workers putting their lives on the line to save strangers don’t need protective equipment. Save the healthcare workers Big Daddy, so there will be enough of us left alive to be sweat-shop laborers for the corporations who you gave all our money away to!

Unlike those leftist state politicians rolling out their gun confiscation schemes, Big Daddy uses the American flag for his red flag. “Vote for Big Daddy: He won’t take your guns until after Martial Law!”

Then again, I doubt that Big Daddy will need to run for office after complete financial collapse and the chaos that follows. It’s only right that he should crown himself king (of Israel). But that’s okay. We would’ve all voted for him anyway, right?

Thanks again, Big Daddy. Without your cult-like influence upon your followers that turned a virus into a political issue, we would’ve never found ourselves living on the edge.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A Politician's Lies

Left, left, left right left…

Bread in every oven
Chicken in every pot

Do the dance of death
While the whole thing rots

Trade their funny-money for cryptocurrency
This is what you get in the land of the free

You need not worry ‘bout your silver and gold
Dead-man’s switch now release your hold

Plastic caskets we’ve got plenty in-store
Medical supplies, we’ll there ain’t no more

Many more tests than there were before
Now send back a lackey to close the barn door

New vaccine will make your whole life change
But before we give it gotta know your name

Please don’t worry ‘bout those tanks rolling in
They all voted for Republicans

You’re not gonna need those guns no more
They ain’t no good for this invisible war

Startin’ to feel different with your aches and pains
Maybe 5G’s makin’ you feel strange

Order on the internet or risk your health
Crawling in their web as they rob our wealth

Feed the truck drivers on the road if you can
If they starve to death then we’ll follow them

For the innocent and heroes who lose their lives
There’s just one cure for a politician’s lies

Communities come together if there’s any that survive
If people wanna live then government must die