Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Chain

There is an invisible chain that runs through these systems of control, empowered by us. It starts in the schools, this conditioning to blindly follow the teachers. Early on, it’s necessary because kids haven’t the experience or brain power to survive on their own. But if education isn’t about teaching self-reliance then it means that children are being trained to be herd animals.

The true objective of education is to have the student reach the point where they don’t need a teacher anymore because they’ve found the inner one. Whether it be the church, grad school, or entering “the real world” (a system in which stealing is legal for the few), all good things must come to an end and, at some point, one needs to start thinking for themselves.

The chain is strong at the jobsite. Each employee must put the ring around their necks in exchange for currency. They have been conditioned to feel bad when they are being dragged by the one in front of them but feel good about pulling the ones behind them. The dream of moving up the chain keeps them going. That and trying to keep from starving to death.

The chain doesn’t care if you can keep up with that long gray line or not. Dropping out of the chain is a minor inconvenience at best. There is always another “human resource” to take your place.

The chain creates monsters out of men. They become disfigured by it but in a way that we can’t always see on the outside as it is made from the same thought-stuff as what they are tied to. Due to the pulling of the chain by their boss, they come home and yank the chain on their family.

The chain pulls down women also with this mindless competition with men rather than sharing the gifts that their gender encompasses. Dreams of the fountain of youth remains sought by those whose beauty never went beyond skin deep.

The chain is in place for those abusing drugs and alcohol. Most of these are the victims of not being able to handle the pull of the chain anymore. But instead of being thankful for their freedom, they lose themselves in their dreams of being much higher up the chain than they will ever be. They are the failures of not keeping up with the chain and they feel bad about it.

The chain runs deep and long in religion. Their fear-based gods drag so many down as they re-shape their followers into those who initially seek aggression for resolution of their problems with others. When these types reach the top of the chain, only more murder and mayhem will follow.

The chain is the cornerstone of government; it could not exist without it. The compartmentalization of the links of the chain are put into place to limit the vision as to where the chain is taking us. Those who embrace the final destination will try to kill off those who are repulsed by it.

The chain of the military now threatens to wrap itself around the neck of the people of their own country. This will occur because the people supported the military for wrapping the chain around the neck of other countries. This is the fate of all collapsing empires at some point yet those living in the empire never see it until it’s too late.

Because the chain is invisible and can only be found in the conditioned mind, it can be difficult to know when one actually becomes free of it. Our reactions to the madness going on around us results in attaching ourselves back to the chain. Freedom from the chain can only come from freedom from reaction (conditioned-response) to their depraved stimulus.

But as the chain leads us to the edge of the cliff, the sights in the distance also becomes clearer. No group can break the chain; each link must be broken by the individual.

The chains of our oppressors are not from the other peasants in other countries. The chains of our oppressors are coming from those sending us to war and robbing us of our liberty. Until we face the truth of this, we will continue wearing the chains of servitude whether we be a prisoner or a guard. In the end, that is where the chain leads—and then to the eradication of both.

What can be found on the other side once the chain has been broken? The vision of true freedom will arrive. No more chains to stand in the way of reality.

The chain is a psychic fabrication held up by group-think, low-level consciousness which creates the environment we now find ourselves in.

The chain is broken by connecting to the mind that first led us to seeing that we are a part of it.

Keep following that.


Annabelle said...

A fine piece and this little Hermit (by choice and quite frankly, it ROCKS)...agrees with you.

I flatly refuse to support this...'world' and I live very simply in lieu of that aim.

The 'people' are like 'Linus' in 'Peanuts'...they KNOW that they don't really experience any form of 'security' from their 'Security Blanket' (chain to government and gigs, and associates etc)...but they will hang onto it until that last 'penny' drops...

Sadly but realistically...for will be far too late..ooops...look at the time. It already IS!

Don't try to 'save the world' just save YOU...and if everyone did that...we'd be outta this shite in a heartbeat.

The KNOWLEDGE of 'what' the PTSNB are doing and have done to us all...using our own money and every conceivable filthy 'trick' in the book to undermine the Human condition...from poisoning to pulverizing...has been denied us...until now.


freefall said...

From one who carries many Hermetic traits myself, it's always good to hear from a fellow conscious drop-out. The systems have become so corrupt that I have no more wish to serve them.