Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Nobility of Servitude

The American delusion of freedom continues despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Committing legalized murder from these wars on such a grand scale as well as the same people subsidizing the puppets on both sides is no road to liberty but to servitude, death and destruction. As usual, “opposing sides” of these wars are supported by the same people using taxpayer money and black ops profits taken from such things as the opium trade in Afghanistan. The American government is now the biggest drug dealer along with the biggest arms dealer in the world.

Are we free not to have to pay for these endless wars of aggression? Are we free not to have to pay for the Police State build-up all around us? Are we free not to have to pay for our own surveillance by using appliances and electronic devices? As far as venturing out into the public sector these days, we continue to be tracked by our own phones while cameras are watching us at all times. The cost of the equipment and continual upgrades in new technology in the stores is added to the price of the products we purchase produced by off-site slave laborers in 3rd World countries.

And look at the corporations we get to choose from. We basically have two computer companies that monopolize the industry, one run by a Eugenicist and the other requiring suicide nets built around their factories. Not such a Merry Christmas for those falling under the yoke of these corporations and those who profit from them.

America has become an open sewer of corruption that has seeped into the core of all our institutions. At this point, the only reason they exist is to remind us of the nobility of our servitude.

With each step up the corporate/government ladder, one must be willing to relinquish more of their freedom of choice as conscience has no place in the company. Only profits and power matter and should be accomplished at all costs. We are now forced to make the wrong decisions or find work elsewhere.

The lesson will continue until it is understood. No one is meant to rule another. And it’s well past time for us to realize that our leaders have become our rulers.


Kitty said...
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Kitty said...

Excellent Free . I posted a link to website about the true meaning of anarchy , unfortunately many of the links on that site are broken and unavailable .