Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Baby Face


If you want to see a show that will educate you in the ways of America's current form of capitalism, politics and religion, I highly suggest watching the 6-part series on Netflix called, "Mr. McMahon."

The Vince McMahan, Jr. character encapsulates the mind of the predatory businessman, but his biggest capital is peddling human flesh.

Brought into a world of violence and child abuse, Vince Junior took over the professional wrestling business from his dad.  He proceeded to turn it into a powerhouse of the genre and eventually bought out the competition.

Vince started the pay-per-view presentations and his "Attitude era" in wrestling (1997-2002) ushered in a new mentality for his life-size characters--and a boatload of money!

To understand this era, Vince started it with a phrase uttered in front of an audience toward the wrestlers in the ring that surrounded him.  What he wanted from them was RUTHLESS AGGRESSION!

Interestingly enough, many of his wrestling characters took Vince's advice home with them.  This time was filled with the horror stories of wrestlers dying in various ways and none of them good.

Drug abuse ran rampant among the performers and "roid rage" contributed to many acts of violence both on and off camera.

It's an educational experience to see how these different wrestling characters developed their personas in front of the audience.  John Cena was going nowhere until he took on the "rapper" persona.  Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson never got over with the audience until after he became a heel (bad guy).

"Getting over" is about receiving a huge emotional response from the audience for portraying your character, whether you be loved as a "Baby Face" (good guy) or hated as a heel.  When this happens, Mr. McMahan rubs his fingers together knowing popularity means money.

He really does see them as his characters.  Any wrestlers that defected to the competition (before Vince bought them out) were not allowed to use his or her character's persona (gimmick).  

For Vince's greatest talent was to create storylines for his characters that mimicked modern day times.  And he often brought his own family members into it.  Here are a couple of examples:

Vince's wife has been in an accident and she's now in a wheelchair.  She doesn't speak and only looks straight ahead.  So Vince decides to cheat in front of her with one of his Divas.  

Another storyline of Vince's had to do with the Sargeant Slaughter character.  Sgt. Slaughter was the stereotypical lantern-jaw Drill Sargeant.  The patriotic fans loved him, especially when he was beating up other characters from enemy countries like Iran.  

But then McMahon gave the story a twist.  He had Sgt. Slaughter convert to Islam.  His fans responded in a way that the wrestling world calls "getting too much heat."  

He was getting death threats from the same fans that once loved him.  After the Gulf wars started heating up, the Sargeant Slaughter character just faded away.  

"Kill Pence, Kill Pence, Kill Pence!"  

Get the idea?  If you weren't a character that elicited a response, you were discarded.

They even decided to bring religion into it with a character named Steve Austin.  He mocked John 3:16 with Austin 3:16--"I just whipped your ass."  Probably not a good idea in the scheme of things although the crowd loved it. It was another line they crossed.

Now it appears that life imitates artifice as Mr. McMahon is struggling to regain control of his make-believe empire amongst several charges of sexual harassment and hush money allegations filed against him by his previous performers.  

But back on the first episode of the show, there is a video of a young Donald Trump standing on the front row applauding the bloody face of Hulk Hogan in the ring.  Years later, the wounded Trump with his miracle ear once again applauds Hogan at the podium of the Republican National Convention for putting him over to the audience.  The circle is complete.

Back in so-called reality, I don't know exactly who writes the storylines for the multiple ways they continue to dupe the non-player characters in the global audience to kill each other.  But whoever writes these narratives makes Vince McMahon, Jr. look like a Baby Face.  


Monday, October 14, 2024

Crosstown Trafficked


Mickey Mouse is contracting out

Everything’s gone bad in-house 

The sideshow on the grounds above

No longer hides what evil does

Open borders keeps stock high

They’re snatched away to live or die

Their handlers on the other side

Then board the planes for their free ride

What P. Diddy still hides from you

Is that his mentor was a Jew

But this you won’t hear on the news

Epstein and Weinstein look confused

Pedophile and pride flag pope

The yoke is placed upon the Woke

The real agenda’s now in sight

Now bend a knee and live your plight

Crosstown trafficked coming through 

So hold your children close to you

You never know what waits for them

 By costumes propping up dead men


Saturday, October 12, 2024

A Sporting Chance


Keep Caitlin playing in the Midwest

Hatchet trannies join her team

No more cheap shots at the basket

Without going UFC

Turning into reverse racists

Send her to the NBA

Have her shoot them from the logo

Let her replace Bronny James

Drowning in its favoritism 

Entertainment turned obscene

When did those that sign the paychecks 

Not make decisions for the team

Once the vices became legal

And there’s betting on the games

Flying flags can change the angles

Magnetic balls make goalposts clang

Baseball died from drug enhancement

Home run hitters on the scene

A bodybuilder’s satisfaction 

When you’re pushing steroid kings

So find a new game on the channel

While the circus is in town

They want for us our minds entangled 

While they bring the curtain down

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Paradise Lost


The hurricane that was approaching

Has now gone out to sea

Those big ionospheric heaters

Keep it away from our country

The desert has turned lush

Due to seeding clouds for rain

It doesn’t need that much

Just a bit every day

The lake next to the mountain 

Sure was running quite low

But manufactured snowpacks 

Opens up river flows

The forest fire was fast approaching 

But the storm knocked it down

And now the sky is sunny

As the cleanup gains ground

The borders are wide open

But no one really cares

We’re not having any problems

With paradise everywhere

All the people on the planet

That they use for the cull

They could use their techno-logic

To make the world habitable 

But they would rather kill us

Just to show us who’s boss

And now we follow Milton

Into paradise lost

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Stolen Valor


Sell your silver to pay taxes

Take the booster for your job

Gaslight all your dying patients 

Make us scared to touch door knobs

Beat us down with floods and fires

Earthquakes and tornadoes too

Minimize your carbon footprint

Always are we passing through

Helicopters are not helping

Flying low creates debris

Long guns needed to bring cover

Supplies and food flood victims need

Tired of playing role of victim 

Tired of brain-dead presidents 

Tired of Khazar Jew bootlickers

Tired of this whole government 

People need to come together 

Stolen valor recognized

No medals for these fucking traitors

You’ll deal with lead before we die

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Running with the Palestinians


Have you figured it out yet, America?  You are currently under direct attack by your own government.  Obviously, we have reached the "shock and awe" portion of the program. 

While America weeps over the carnage of the Southeast, the next weather bomb is headed in its direction from the Gulf.  

But that's no reason for other areas to feel safe.  Acapulco has become a weather bomb mecca for the Khazarian mafia.  The behavior of both Otis and John were uncharacteristic from other hurricanes with little to no early warnings that they were even approaching.

Once this gets bad enough, really nasty diseases are going to be cropping up due to lack of sanitation and hygiene.  I'm sure they'll come up with a vaccine that will be helpful.

Each manufactured calamity justifies military intervention and all that accompanies it.  But don't bring your own people any help until the masses have died or are too tired to fight back. 

Of course, they're making the politicians on the Right look like they're doing something after the body count has already piled up.  After all, it's an election year. 

We are all susceptible to their evil schemes.  What good are all your preps when they are floating down the river with your house?

Get ready for misery that will be suffered by the entire country after the (s)election results.  

And then get ready for misery suffered by the entire world after dollar collapse.  Unless climate destruction or nuclear Armageddon beats it to the punch.  

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Protocols, Part 2


Your O2 sats are running low

We’ll bring them up to speed

Some supplemental oxygen 

Is probably all you need

The morning brings us better news

Your respirations have improved

Once we see consistency 

Then you’ll be discharged soon

I know I told you to go home

But now you better stay

You’re running high creatinine

We’ll push Remdesivir today

After studying your KUB

It still looks quite the same

But your COVID test was positive 

And your breath is sounding strained

So we’ll put you on a vent

A way to help you breathe

Soon you’ll be back on your feet

Just give yourself to the machine

Your renal tests are off the charts

And you’re struggling on your own

We’ll get those lungs and kidneys fixed

And then we’ll send you home


Please notify her next of kin

Of everything we tried

Sometimes the protocols will work

Sometimes the patient dies