Sunday, November 15, 2020

Astral Travel for Spiritual Separatists

As we move closer towards our next Civil War, it’s important to understand how we came to find ourselves here.  Our presidents have been lying us to death. 

We cannot fully understand our dilemma unless we go back to what occurred on 9/11/2001.  On that day, America was attacked by its own government.  It is also the day that the allegiance of our government was completely handed over to another at our great expense.  Absolute power for the elites and religious treason by their mindless minions is where we find ourselves now, and the very populace currently being destroyed from its after-effects are calling it God’s will (while blaming the unbelievers).  

I’ve called it “Nihilism with a Christian crash pad” before but it’s really death-cult Zionism that literally hates the Christ Consciousness.  Don’t believe me?  What Christ-like qualities does Trump possess?

At least have the guts to call yourself what you really are, you damn traitors.  Your Savior Trump sees goodness as weakness, a predatory trait of your depraved god.  Maybe he’ll nuke us all before his Jewish (not Russian, not Chinese) banker masters call in their markers.  What more of a god-like action could he take?

Scofield and Darby are poking Jesus with a stick trying to get him back down here before we are all obliterated.  Satan’s vaporizer is nuclear radiation and we are his exhale. 

On the other side, a mental defective who can’t keep his hands-off children even in public is going to lock us all down again.  People will be shot by uniformed thugs for not wearing masks and the prime focus by the news will be on race. 

As for the 21st Century Political-Celebrity Cult Worshippers on both sides, you’re all a bunch of nincompoops and most of those who have been trying much longer than I have to wake you up are no longer wasting their time.  

Where do we go from here, those of us who have had enough of it all? 

Astral travel for spiritual separatists is just around the corner.  Passengers come in all shapes and sizes, colors and genders.  They no longer count their treasures here on earth--but that’s not a marketing technique by your government to find contentment in your squalor.  It’s about being true to yourself. 

To violate natural law as well as supporting those who do is what disqualifies us from taking flight.  For the space-ship is powered through our energy, and a lack of focus of that energy, a wasting of it, is what’s causing us to crash rather than to rise. 

All the dead weight without the buoyancy of true awakening continues to keep us down.  Wake up or you will soon be jettisoned.

And by the way, all “self-hating” Jews will be flying First Class.   Being ostracized by your own people is the price of the ticket.  And that goes for all of us.      

Where we are going is not so much a place as it is a state of mind.  I can’t describe what it will be like but I can tell you what it’s not.  One cannot access the wellspring of its eternal energy through anyone or anything outside of yourself.  

The next phase arrives when enough individuals consciously come together filling the gaps of this grand mosaic providing true meaning to our lives, creating an authentic and enlightened pathway deeper into the cosmos for all that would follow.    

Welcome to the evolution.   



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