Like a flying insect, most Americans flit from flower to flower taking in the wonderful aroma of their own hubris that hides the stench of death they have left behind.
If nothing else, wars are meant to make us feel good about ourselves. America drops bombs on civilian populations with little or no risk of being shot down themselves-- unless they are weapons sold through their own government to their enemies.
But the bully is currently being overwhelmed by the children of its victims. Now we must all deal with the repercussions of what has been done in our name.
Lies exposed reveals betrayal. But in the meantime, much damage can be inflicted upon us by continuing to believe those lies.
I wonder if those on the Left would have ever supported Ukraine if their leader wasn't a cross-dresser? Surely, no one can be that shallow.
Are you taking your RSV/measles/tetanus/MRNA spike-protein booster later this year? Why not, when you were previously trying to force it on the rest of us? I'm afraid we're going to find out much more regarding the 5G/vaccine connection soon.
As for the Right, do you ever remember how the leaders you previously supported let you down? Or have you forgotten that the current liar that you worship held the power for four years? His legacy was torn down like a movie set within a month of his departure. Talk about a house built upon sand!
Every president has an agenda unbeknownst to the public. As with his first administration, Trump's agenda is to bring the war back home. His purpose is to bring about "a house divided" even amongst his own constituents. His bioweapon push and his Zionist bent makes him the ultimate betrayer--a Judas goat for the ages with the ability to dupe his followers using virtually the same cons over and over again.
Why would any bank bail him out after lying about his assets used for collateral? Unless Trump is an asset to the banksters himself.
While everyone around him ends up rotting in jail, it looks like the Teflon Don is going to be a shoo-in for the next puppet president of the Khazarian Mafia.
After his next appointment, he could prove himself worthy as a good Chabad concubine by using the last of America's dwindling resources to move the Jews to Ukraine (if landlord Putin is okay with it).
Move the theater of war to Europe and leave Israel to the Muslims in the Middle East. There's not enough water there anyway.
Are you beginning to see the problem, run-of-the-mill Jew? As usual, they will use you as fodder to further their agenda. Hell, they'll use your upcoming Holocaust to justify their next land grab. But they won't need to pump up the numbers the second time around.
My guess is that once the Palestinians have been cleared out, it's going to be open season on Israel by the surrounding countries. Then the "Give the Jews Ukraine" marketing campaign will follow.
Meanwhile, "The Policemen of the World" have lost control of their own borders. As for whatever Greater Israel Project they have planned, there will always be something to fear and a government to protect on behalf of slaves that only feel secure by creating more slaves.