In the Grimm's fairytale known as "Rumpelstiltskin," the title character has the ability to spin straw into gold. It's taken a little over 100 years, but the Federal Reserve has managed to turn gold into straw.
Other than climate collapse or nuclear holocaust, even the vaccine genocide will take a backseat to the horrors of dollar collapse. It's not going to be like the last time around with the "peaceful transition of power," where the British pound was replaced by the US dollar as the world reserve currency. With renewed competition and many countries no longer fearing America's military prowess due to a long history of failures and losses, the dollar is currently being shot down in flames.
Millionaires will go broke buying the necessities as the worthless paper will be hyperinflated into the stratosphere. If society hasn't completely gone down by then, it will once the dollar is flushed for something else. Couple that with the probable upcoming blackouts and we are being brought into a "Mad Max" sort of scenario.
As I've written in the past, they are going to leave us to our own devices before they swoop down and save us from ourselves. Then it will come down to the local communities. Food scarcity and fuel prices will make long-distance trade unfeasible.
After the dollar collapses, the cities (especially the sanctuary cities) will also go down in flames with legions of illegal immigrants as well as our fellow Americans taking out their frustration of the death of the American dream on those who still have something of value. During these times, many will realize that they merely left one destabilized country for another.
Any government salvation that comes after this will be geared for our complete enslavement. This is when we will be taken to the camps. My guess is that these empty Big Box stores will be used as holding tanks for "domestic terrorists" awaiting transportation on the boxcars.
Unfortunately, it looks like the only time most people are going to heed these warnings will be when it is actually happening to them. This means that most have not prepared for anything. And that makes them the enemy of the prepared.
It's hard to find common ground when surrounded by dependent fools. If we can become self-sufficient in our local areas, then we have a chance. Otherwise, with the collapse of the dollar will come a bloody hell that no digital currency will quell, at least not early on.
And unlike Rumpelstiltskin, your government will not be looking to just take your first-born. The vaccination program has already pretty much done that job.
They want to take it all.