Thursday, February 24, 2022

Under a Setting Sun


Pitting the poor against the poor

We’re coming into their two-front war

Save democracy for countries abroad

While back at home they treat us like dogs


Mandated vaccines known to kill

And all we get is the rumor mill

It comes with sifting through the lies

And watching masks fall from kingly guise


Putin, Biden, Xi Jinping, and Trudeau

Puppets of the colossal Klaus Schwab “shit-show”

The crippling collapse of the dollar awaits

While the balance of power will soon be replaced


Here in America, they just need to find

Republican tools and supporters for one last time

The people have more in common with those over there

For when they say, “terrorist” it’s a name that we share


The truckers rebellion could lead to problems soon

It could force them to see that their heroes are goons


I guess what it is that I’m trying to say

Is that their lies and deceptions are going away

I’m afraid that we are soon to see

America’s collapse into hard tyranny


A nation of fools must come to terms with what they have done

Or we will remain under a setting sun




Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Lost in the Game


“Welcome to our weekly Cyberverse orientation!  I am your host, Clarence.  I see that you newbies have already chosen your avatars.” 

“We here in the Cyberverse ‘feel your pain’ regarding what you have endured over the last couple of years.  Now is the time to forget about your troubles and enter the brave new world that lies before you!”

“Our holographic realm offers the ironclad guarantee that all of your dreams will come true!” 

“Remember at the height of your marriage, where your love made you blind to your partner’s shortcomings?  How would you like to feel that same way for always?  No more broken hearts here in the Cyberverse!”

“Have you lost a loved one recently?  In the Cyberverse, Jesus is not the only one that can be resurrected.  Your Grandmother can be returned--and with all of her negative traits having magically disappeared!” 

“Whether you want to be a “Wolf on Wallstreet,” a medical doctor with the power over life and death, an astronaut, a deep-sea diver, or anything else, you can be all of these things and more!”   

“And you will never again know failure at anything you do.”

“But how do you get the money, the fame, the bling, the relationships that you know that you deserve?  It’s so simple, as all you have to do is to REMAIN HERE IN THE CYBERVERSE!  The longer you stay, the stronger you will become!”

“This is how you gain the credits needed to purchase the things that enhance your image before your CV peers!  Just look at my new Rolex.  Believe me, the longer you remain in the game, the more you’ll want to stay.  There’s nothing like being paid for doing something you love!”

“Um, I’m not feeling very well.” 

(Suddenly, the avatar known as Clarence wavers and then disappears completely from the game.  The other avatars at the orientation have never observed a disappearance in this way).



“What happened to this guy?” asked the lieutenant.

“I’ve seen it before,” said the coroner, removing the VR goggles from the body of the one who called himself Clarence when in the make-believe world. 

“Why does the body look as if he died of malnutrition?” asked the lieutenant.

“As far as the game goes, it doesn’t take long to acquire the materialism and notoriety of the rich and famous,” replied the coroner.  “But maintaining that status in the Cyberverse is another story.”

The lieutenant looked around the place that had all but died of neglect itself.  The sink was full of dishes and water-stained paper was coming off the walls.  Only pieces of the dirty carpet could be seen amidst the household debris scattered all around.

“Only a few hours away from the game and they begin to lose things,” the coroner continued.  Within a few days of being out of the Cyberverse, they start losing big things, like their mansions and cars. 

“But none of this is real,” said the lieutenant.

“It is to them.  It’s more real than the outside world.”

“I’ve been unable to find any food in the house,” said the lieutenant looking down at the desiccated body before him.

“They neglect their most basic needs in order to remain in the game,” said the coroner.  “They don’t want to spend any time away from it or they lose their status amongst their peers.”

(The lieutenant shook his head sadly, wondering how many others were lost in the game).   

“Oh, and one more thing,” said the coroner shaking him out of his thoughts. “Just like here on the outside, they are highly susceptible to cultish influences.”  

(The coroner tosses the VR goggles to the lieutenant who puts them on).

“We are here today to pay our respects to the life of the avatar known as Clarence,” said another participant in the game.

(Suddenly, the avatars see the image of Clarence materialize before them).

“Look, He is risen!” one of the avatars says as they all begin bowing down before him.

(The lieutenant rips off the goggles in disgust and throws them on the trash heap surrounding him).

The coroner laughs.  “Instead of the person, some of these avatars are tied to specific goggles.  That way, as long as they don’t stop breathing, the players can have as many gods as they want!”






Monday, February 21, 2022

The Banker's Green


It’s raining razor blades in hell

Where pilots are all out on bail

Aluminum nano-particles to share the air

With graphene hydroxide now taking its share


Just blame it on the Covid scare

And the white-coat gremlin’s cold blank stare

Even when they smile and look serene

They bow before the banker’s green


All the good ones have been kicked to the curb

But the rest will get what they deserve

Murderers of those who gave them their faith

The stampede approaches hunting down the disgraced


Sharpening their swords for the next world war

Will the next bunch of suckers be as dumb as before?

Or will they learn a new word used by the fully grown

The only answer to evil is to just say “NO!”


Masks still being worn for endemic disease

If it makes you feel better, then do as you please

But you don’t have a right to force it on the rest

When I was a fool that line was not pressed


Governments turning upon their own

Locked inside the danger zone

A war abroad may get them off your back

Just feed them your children when it’s time to attack


For those whose suffering shows where they have failed

May these lines clear some dust from your temple shelves:

Was it worth betraying the public trust

For the Banker’s green as it all turns to dust?






Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Keep on Truckin'


Watching as the story of the truckers clogging the (shipping) arteries at the Canadian border continues to unfold, I realize that, once again, much is being done to suit their dark agenda. 

What are they going to do to keep the truckers on the job, force vaccinations at gunpoint as well as forcing them to drive against their will?  Because that’s exactly what they must do to be successful.   

Elon Musk and Co. are still working out the bugs on their automobiles with their failures crashing and burning like Saddam’s oil-fields.  Are we really ready for A.I. operated big rigs barreling down our highways?  It’s bad enough playing Russian Roulette with the vaccinated drivers that surround us, never knowing when the micro-clots in their own bodies will join forces to shut them down.  Death Race 2022!

Unlike being a paid script-reader, it actually takes skills to drive these massive trucks.  Do you think Trudeau or most of his minions will step into the cab and drive them down the road?

The only people with the qualifications to do the job are those with the training and experience.  This problem is not going away no matter what TPTB come up with for answers.  Stop mandating vaccines and masks and this will all go away!

But that’s not what they want.  What they want is exactly what is happening now.  They want to shut down the system and starve us out.  They just needed scapegoats and now they have found them.

Then again, what else can the truckers do?  No one has the right to force these shots on anybody.

We knew this was coming, one way or another.  We should stock up on the basics while we still can. 

As for the fools that enforce this insanity, your only choice down the road will be robbing the rest of us at gunpoint to give to your masters while hiding some of your ill-gotten gains to go along with your table scraps.  The world will soon see you for exactly what you are.

I have no clue how all this will turn out.  I only know that the truckers are doing what they must whether they will be blamed for the horrors that will follow or not. 

Liberty or death.  It had to come down to it sooner or later.