Thursday, September 20, 2018

No More Turning Away

Voting another’s rights away and wondering why you have none of your own.

One shot, two kills for pregnant Palestinian women.

AMA drug dealers blaming guns for the horrors committed rather than the Frankensteins of their own creation.

Cast into the sea of immigration where the waves batter away all reason resulting in extremes of unlimited access for those from bombed-out countries to other sinking ships with the iron fist of Sharia Law looming in the background.

Calamities with collapsing infrastructures while funds are diverted to feed the war machine setting us up to be irradiated by our own failing nuclear plants.

Weather modification technology being used in many of these “Acts of God.”

President of South Africa assuring the public that he won’t commit genocide against white people at this time.

Pied-piper pedophile priests leading their flock towards something even worse after the unraveling.

Israeli overlords pulling the strings of its American puppet who can only spout back the same rhetoric he was told to say.

Abortion of convenience staring into the dead eyes of a pregnant Palestinian woman.

Stealing from your neighbor and supporting the use of a government gun to do it.

Killing for pleasure.

Allowing your stage in life to be used as an excuse for laying down for it.

Teachers only knowing what they’ve been taught and yet not even following that but doing only what they’re told. This is what they really teach.

Whistle-blowers bought off or taken out for not agreeing to participate in their own destruction. Those on the payroll are the only ones we get to see.

Athletic entertainers punished for genuflecting inappropriately before their corporate logo.

Religion teaching us to fight over the nature of which god should rule us. Spoiler alert: The tyrant always wins.

Government mimics the predominant image.

Soldiers-turned-police recreating their trauma back home and dispensing war-zone justice for our viewing displeasure.

Voting for our masters.

Economic collapse coming. What good is being set up on the best street corner when everybody else has their hand out?

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