Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Separating from the Herd

As with many, never would I have guessed what small part I would play in this strange life that continues to unfold before us. I have become an agitator; a role that is mostly despised by all. Gee, I can’t understand why I don’t have any friends?

My mentality creates a sort of divide. That is because I will not acknowledge one side to be right and another that is wrong. That is because, in my mind, they are both wrong.

If you consider yourself to be either a Conservative or a Liberal here in America, I consider you to be insane. The problem is that you are not completely insane and that is what keeps you coming back for more as the other half of the mob has a corner on the market on crazy just like you.

An example to this is the gun control issue. The Left thinks that taking our best weapons from us to fight against government tyranny will save them from kids killing each other. Good luck with that.

You can take implements of destruction away all you like, but until you change the minds that put them to use they’ll always find some way to commit murder.

Of course, there are two ways to change a mind. One is to encourage people to see things for themselves. The other is through trauma and manipulation. Which type of training do you think both students and those in uniform are getting?

In a collapsing empire, we are all caught between a rock and a hard place. One must operate under the assumption that those in government and the people they rule are both crazy; otherwise, how did we get here? But it is those who call themselves government that are the most dangerous because they are the best trained and have the most weapons. And most appear to be no better or worse than the orders they are given.

In this systemic cesspool ruled by Satanic psychopaths and their mindless minions, you want me to give up my best ability to defend myself from them? I don’t care if I have a chance in hell or not from surviving this scenario, I have a right under Natural Law to defend myself against those who would aggress upon me and so does anyone else. We cannot have a better world when it is being run by predators. The best we can do is have the means put them down.

As for those on the Right, I notice Oliver North has been appointed President of the NRA. You remember Ollie, don’t you? He was the front-man who fell on his sword for Reagan. Unfortunately, he somehow survived to reprise his role as a government stooge now infiltrating the NRA.

Oliver North was found to be part of an illicit weapons for drugs scheme between the “freedom fighters” in Nicaragua and the CIA. This operation was discovered to be bringing cocaine into the poor black neighborhoods in L.A. All this was done under the cover of darkness as Congress had already told the Reagan Administration not to meddle in this country’s affairs.

Oliver North, an illegal drugs and weapons dealer who further betrayed his country by putting the will of the president above our constitutional protections is now front man for the NRA. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. What a bunch of suckers.

I can go on but what’s the point. Half the mob will continue to blame the other for their own stupidity.

But as I said before, each side is only half crazy. As I see it, the Right and Left in America embody the struggle between the masculine and the feminine in which the one attempts to rule the other. They still don’t realize that they need what the other has; all they see is what’s wrong with them.

We need the compassion and empathy of the feminine to work in harmony with the protector and defender of the masculine. We need reason over reactive emotion and conscious heart-centered emotion over cold logic. We need the balance of both, not one trying to destroy the other. In doing so, we only destroy ourselves.

When this is finally discovered, we will see that there is no need for exclusionary groups of any kind. All we will have is individuals connected to and following the same Source.

If this does not exist, then all is for naught. The best we can hope for is what we have now, one group ruling over the others by force.

We know the way. Now we must choose to walk it whether the group likes it or not.


freefall said...

Interesting video:

Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

All the mindless idiots that support drumpf now getting their jobs and guns taken away... and they are so stupid they still don't get it.

It gets lonely, but I still feel better staying away from the crazy crowds. Excellent post. Good video - fascinating! Thank you

What I do Every Day

freefall said...

I know how you feel. Surrounded by strangers who are either unable or unwilling to break the spell, we see where this is going. It looks like by the time they finally do, it will be too late.

And this is what haunts us and frustrates us because there is not a damn thing we can do about it.