Tuesday, January 9, 2018

You Might Be a Slave

You might be a slave if:

You believe that bullies who like to provoke weaker bullies are doing anything good for your life or your future.

You believe that constant wars of aggression have ever resulted in peace and tranquility at home.

You believe that slowly being stripped of all of your assets by corporate criminals is bad while still supporting their henchmen.

You believe that the monetary Ponzi scheme and all that is propped up by it is not reaching its ultimate conclusion.

You believe that you have a chance of altering the overall agenda by voting for one power monger over another.

You believe that the radiation leaking into the Pacific Ocean is no longer a threat to all life on the planet simply because the media no longer reports it.

You believe that you are free because your masters say so.

You believe that you are superior to others because some book or charlatan told you.

You believe that only two buildings fell on 9/11.

You believe that your government has the right to determine the boundaries of your protections from them.

You believe in gun confiscation of the citizens while allowing guns only for soldiers and police.

You believe that young children that are conditioned through education to be confused about their own sexuality leads to strong-minded, independent adults who can think for themselves.

You believe that an imbalanced masculine identity resulting in brutality can only be cured by an imbalanced feminine identity of placating the abuser.

You believe that any of your leaders give a rat’s ass about you or their country of origin.

You believe in celebrity and think that making them our leaders will create a better world.

The truth is that it really doesn’t matter what you believe. You are a slave either way.
But it’s only when you know for yourself that you are a slave that you would ever dare to resist your captors.


Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

You are not a slave if you refuse to believe you are. We may be slaves in the physical form, but our spirits and souls can never be enslaved.
10 Characteristics of Highly Evolved Beings

freefall said...

Interesting article, Adaline. I agree with much of it. Just can't figure out how highly evolved beings can keep from being wiped out by not-so-highly evolved beings without defending themselves. Also, I'm not so sure that highly evolved beings would want me around anyway. Too many like me would lower the status of their civilization.

Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...
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Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

Oh, I get it, I responded to quickly.
There are some very evil forces at work in our world, that do not care about us and just see us as food. Yes, we do need to defend ourselves, you are totally right about that. This society needs more people like you, as far as I'm concerned. (The article is just for another perspective, and it is interesting, but it does not define what is right.) We will always need warriors to defend and protect. But nobody can be exploited.

freefall said...

This all must come to and end before we can find a better way. It will need to start in the communities. The problem is that most won't admit that we are in a slow-motion collapse even now.

While most are completely unprepared for what is coming, those orchestrating the collapse have detailed plans on how they will seize control.

This is one reason why I write even though my work is not read by many. We must understand the times in which we live as well as the enemy within our walls (and our minds) or they will simply herd us in the direction they want us to go after collapse using fear as their whip.

If we can reach enough people and get them to realize that they are actually serving those who want them dead, the spell can be broken without any bloodshed. But we must have a vision of the future that will take us in the direction we want to go. Your article is a place to start. No government to bleed the people dry of their resources or this won't work!

Pandora Hope Seaclearly said...

Fly Free by Geoff Byrd

Pandora Hope Seaclearly said...

∃ ~ ♬ ♪ ♥ ∞ ☮ ★ ☄ | ☄ ★ ☮ ∞ ♥ ♪ ♬ ~ ∃

Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

Anonymous, January 5, 2018 at 11:51 AM
"The smallest of scales is what we can influence as opposed to an individual who wants to change the world. If an individual can avoid doing harm, if a parent can be on instead of off, living by the golden rule, thats a life well lived and an example to others to emulate. Small is good and its more than enough."

freefall said...

So true Adaline.

Chautauqua said...

What just drives me crazy is that we can show these folks how they are enslaved, in every possible way,and they still won't believe it.

That is way beyond slavery
it's the pathway to genocide

Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

I used to think it had something to do with how so many children were treated, totally Neptunian in keeping kids in the dark, not telling them the truth, 'protecting' them from what's really up. And with that upbringing, we became adults sort of programmed to sheild ourselves from what is really happening, the fact that this is a prison planet, with most of humanity imprisoned, mentally, physically or both. Now I feel that there are more than perhaps I realise that know what is happening, and that we are enslaved.
There is always a piece of me that believes we will overcome.

freefall said...

At the end of an Age, the archetype that comes to the forefront is the "Savior." That people will continue to support those who betray them from the beginning reveals the desperation of maintaining this illusion.

The average person feels unworthy of being their own Savior due to conditioning and the separateness we feel from being pulled away from Source by the ways of the world and our responses to it.

But the psychopath has no such feelings of remorse or unworthiness. This is what we will continue to get in its various forms until we realize that the separation exists due to our service to a corrupt system that rules through fear to gain compliance rather than encouraging and correcting each other along the way in order to get closer to the light.

When enlightenment becomes our most important endeavor, we will get what we ask for. Just like we are getting what we ask for now--under the tutelage of psychopaths.